Implementation of Mobilization in Stroke Patients with Decubitus Ulcer Undergoing Total Bedrest at Iryou Houjin Fukujukai Nishihara Keiaien Japan
Patients with stroke and pressure ulcers undergoing total bed rest require specialized nursing care attention. This study aims to explore the implementation of mobilization in such patients, focusing on nursing care. A descriptive research approach was utilized to depict the assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation processes of mobilization interventions. Data were collected through observation, physical examination, and documentation from December 1-3, 2023, at Iryou Houjin Fukujukai Nishihara Keiaien, Japan, involving one participant. Significant improvement in the patient's condition was observed following routine interventions. Initially, the patient presented with a Stage II pressure ulcer at the sacrum and left trochanter with a Braden Scale score of 12. After performing side-lying maneuvers for 3x8 hours, the Braden Scale score improved to 15, and the pressure ulcer healed. This research contributes to understanding the importance of mobilization in caring for stroke patients with pressure ulcers undergoing total bed rest.
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