Description of Nurses' Self Efficacy in Determining Patient Priorities in the Emergency Installation of A Type B Hospital in the Gorontalo Region
The importance of nurses' knowledge, skills and self-efficacy in handling emergency conditions is related to various types of emergency services such as triage. The concept of selfefficacy is the main focus, that a high level of self-efficacy can improve the performance and skills of nurses in providing emergency services. Data shows that the number of emergency services increases by 30% every year in all emergency service facilities in the world. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, data on visits to emergency facilities reaches 13.3% of the total visits to public hospitals. The research method uses quantitative research with descriptive methods, With a population of all nurses working in the Type B Hospital Emergency Installation using a sampling technique Total sampling. The analysis in this research is the frequency distribution of demographic data and self efficacy nurses in determining patient priorities (Triage) Type B Hospital in the Gorontalo Region. The research results show that the level self efficacy nurses regarding determining patient priorities (triage) Type B hospitals in the Gorontalo region are in the good category with percentages of 51.5% and 73.3%. Meanwhile the nurse with self efficacy which is quite at the percentage of 48.5% and 26.7%. Suggestions for the hospital are to be able to encourage nurses' enthusiasm and confidence in carrying out an action, for nurses to be able to maintain and increase their level of self-confidence, and finally for future researchers to be able to continue this research by using other variables and methods. further research.
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